Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Pro's & Con's of Online Journalism: My Podcast Script

Alright so let’s talk about journalism online. When we say journalism we are talking

newspapers and magazines becoming available right at your fingertips through the

internet. Going online has created more opportunities for publications, such as

competing with TV and radio in presenting breaking news in a more timely

manner. The credibility and strong brand recognition of well-known publications, and the

close relationships they have with advertisers, are also seen by many in the publication

industry as strengthening their chances of survival. The movement away from the

printing process can also help decrease costs. Online magazines that don’t charge

subscription fees make their money with online advertising, affiliations to retail web sites,

and classified advertisements. Some publications provide digital editions as well. A

digital edition is an online magazine or newspaper that is delivered in electronic form but

is formatted identically to the print version. Digital editions are beneficial because they

reduce costs for the publisher and reader by avoiding the time and expense to print and

deliver like a paper edition. They are also environmentally friendly due to the reduction

of paper and energy use. These editions are more interactive because they often feature

videos or animation to enhance the articles themselves or for advertisements. Anyone

have any thoughts or comments?

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