Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Radio Report: A Discussion with Lorne Brooker

Lorne Brooker, a talk show host at a local radio station CJBQ, came in and discussed radio as part of our media experience. Lorne actually works two jobs at the radio station. He works promotions, and hosts the radio’s talk show, which is the longest running on-air talk show in Canada. His daily discussion topics require a lot of research and are always based on demographics. To keep the show entertaining he has a topic of the day and gets the listeners to call in and get involved. He also gets involved with all local events and contests associated with the station.

Some things I learned about working at the radio station is that everyday is different and it’s a really good way to get any frustrations you have off your chest. You get to voice your opinion and people call in and respond to that. He gets to say what most people are thinking and can’t say themselves.

Lorne made working at the radio station sound like a really fun job and I was interested in what he had to say but I don’t really see myself looking deep into broadcasting in the future. I like that everyday your job would be different I just don’t know if I have that kind of personality to sit and talk topics with callers and still keep viewers listening in.

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